What if perimenopause came with a playbook? A way to navigate midlife health that provided...

  • A general understanding of how things are changing and what to expect

  • Assessment of your health risks, ordering labs when indicated, and evidence-informed strategies to manage those risks

  • A holistic plan that offered relief in ways that fit with how you want to experience this natural transition

  • Conversations about hormone therapy and if it’s right for you. And prescribing it when it is.

  • Access to care, resources, information and products in ways that suit you – on demand, virtually or in person

Hi! I'm Dr. Julia

Julia Fountain, ND MSCP

Naturopathic Doctor & Menopause Society Certified Practitioner

I help women in midlife understand their hormones, recover their energy, explore their options and put life back on play, not pause.

I pursued additional training with The Menopause Society (formerly NAMS) to become a certified menopause practitioner (MSCP) because I wanted to take the confusion out of perimenopause for women.

And provide an evidence-informed framework for feeling better.

Menopause isn't optional but suffering through it is.

My clinical practice is wholeheartedly focused on helping women in midlife navigate their health and hormones.

4 Tiers of Hormone Help

  • Tier 1: Education

    Reliable, curated information is a girl’s best friend when it comes to making decisions about health and hormones. Menopause isn’t a medical event and understanding what’s normal and what to expect provides clarity and confidence in decision making. That’s why we provide an introductory course, group programs and a learning portal focusing on perimenopause and midlife health.

  • Tier 2: Nutrition & Lifestyle

    Tier 2 is the cake. The is the substance of your life - the daily routine and lifestyle habits that affect your hormones and your health. Nutrition, exercise, sleep, mindset. We review best available evidence on these subjects and work together to build your lifestyle playbook for this age and stage.

  • Tier 3: Supplements & Services

    Tier 3 is the icing on top. This refers to the supplements you take or services you access for health and hormonal support. We test your nutrient levels, assess dietary intake and decide if you need to take supplements. If you can benefit from additional expertise - whether acupuncture, pelvic floor physiotherapy, counseling or others, I provide recommendations and referrals to allied health professionals.

  • Tier 4: Menopause Hormone Therapy

    Tier 4 is the sprinkles. This is menopause hormone therapy. Not all women will need hormone therapy but it can make life more colourful and vibrant for those that do. I prescribe hormone therapy and if you have questions, let's chat.

This is how we roll:

  • Our on-boarding process for clinical care includes 3 appointments

    Appointments may be virtual or in-office (you must be a resident of Ontario)

    Appointment 1 - Initial Consultation and Assessment (virtual or in office)

    Appointment 2 – Report of Findings and Review of Program

    Appointment 3 – First Follow Up

    The service fees associated with these sessions are detailed on the Online Booking page

  • Opt to access your learning portal between office visits

    This ensures general information about midlife health, hormones, menopause, lifestyle, and risk is dispensed in an efficient, organized and cost-effective way, and our 1 on 1 appointment time is reserved for your individualized care and questions.

  • Follow up and annual reassessment

    We design your program to be self-sustaining with quarterly or semi-annual follow up to monitor progress, realign strategy, review labwork and renew hormone prescriptions (when applicable).

Have your cake and eat it too

Enjoy the benefits of midlife without the downside of a rough perimenopause

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